Thursday, June 28, 2007


Welcome to the class blog of the Lowcountry Writing Project Summer Writing Institute!

The Summer Institute brings together teachers from across the Lowcountry, in all grade levels and all disciplines, for several weeks of reading, writing, research, and practice. Participants, selected on the basis of an application and a personal interview, meet each day to write, discuss their writing, read about and discuss effective ways to teach writing and use writing as a learning tool, research writing topics of their choice, and improve their teaching practices by leading or taking part in demonstrations of effective teaching practices.

For more information, go to the Lowcountry Writing Project webpage.


eburdge said...

I believe Emig’s point about the “silent classroom or one filled only with the teacher’s voice is anathema to learning” is insightful and true. As students and teachers, we are trained to believe that the teacher teaches and the students listen and learn. Sometimes chatter among students is construed as misbehavior or even disrespect; in actuality, children, just like adults, learn and retain new ideas when they have the opportunity to discuss and even challenge one another’s viewpoint. We need to de-program ourselves to allow a flow of conversation from student to student and teacher to student.

Ben said...

Emig's focus on time in writing and learning is very important, as she cites Luria and the idea that "writing is self-rhythmed" (90). The individualization of student learning around the idea of pace is conveyed, as she quotes further, “One writes best as one learns best, at one’s own pace.” She continues with Luria who asserts the notion that writing allows for more time for thought and analysis because it is a slower process than talking. This is very relevant to thinking about how students can benefit from writing in the process of learning.

chad said...

Janet Emig article focuses on using writing as a learning strategy. As a teacher of special needs students, I am always looking for another way to teach content. As I read her article, I thought of how I could apply this theory to my teaching. When teaching, I am constantly checking for understanding throughout the lesson. However, my students are replying verbally. They might not think about what they say or have enough time to say what they want. Using written language makes people think more critically (synthesize/analyze), which is what I want my student to do.