The Lowcountry Writing Project is partnering with NCTE and NWP to bring the National Day on Writing to the Lowcountry. Our theme is "Celebrating the Lowcountry through Writing" and there are many ways for interested teachers to get involved. You can: submit student or personal writing to the National Gallery of Writing Online, submit student or personal writing for a public reading and celebration on October 20, or take part in a free writing marathon event on September 12 that lets you and a friend enjoy a Lowcountry activity and write about it (if you like). If you are interested in participating in any or all of these events please contact lwp@citadel.edu or go to our website www.citadel.edu/writingproject for an information packet.
If you would like to volunteer to help with the National Day on Writing, please contact the following team leaders:
* Event Planner for Sept 12 Writing Marathon Day: Trish Vicino (with help from writing tour leaders BJ Ruddy, Richard Ridley, Delores Schweitzer, and others to be named later).
* Event Planner for Oct 20th Public Reading: Tom Thompson (with help from Lauren, Genie, Trish, Peachey, Jan, and others to be named later).
* Curator of LWP Gallery: Amy Hudock (with Trish Vicino and Lauren Roberts assisting).
* Media relations: Tom Thompson and Amy Hudock
* Contact person for CCSD teachers: Emily Elliot
* Contact person for DD2 teachers: Genie Shaughnessy
* Contact person for BCSD teachers: Trish Vicino
We need for EVERY TC to spread the word at their own schools.
Those of you who offered to help as readers or as group leaders, someone should be getting in touch with you soon. You can find these team leaders by joining our group on Facebook and clicking on their name/picture in the "members" list.
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